Read on to find out the various health advice to keep you safe before, during and after each race. Whether you are a beginning or seasoned multi-sport athlete, please take note of the following advice to help prevent you from injury or illness.

Beat the heat

Singapore’s climate is hot and humid, and you will feel this especially during the run. To avoid a heat injury, you should drink sufficiently before, during and after the race to replace the amount of fluid lost.

Your early morning (caffeine-free) fluid intake should consist of approx. 500ml, plus 250ml every hour thereafter before your race. MetaSport provides water at drink stations on the run, and you should carry drink bottles on your bike to keep yourself hydrated during the cycle.

Pace yourself

Despite the excitement of the race start, do make allowances for the race course terrain, weather conditions and your level of physical conditioning.

Especially if you are new to this type of exercise and/or race distance, it’s a good idea to maintain a race pace within your safe physical comfort zone. If you feel unduly tired and giddy, or if you develop a headache and feel over-heated, slow down!

Prepare for the swim

Race day is not a good time to attempt your first open water swim. Ensure you have trained in the open water in the weeks leading up to the race, to ensure you are comfortable and familiar with the experience. 

Practise looking up while swimming to navigate your way, and ask someone to swim beside you to understand the feeling of having other swimmers nearby.

We have training clinics available pre-race conducted by our experienced coaches – they will teach you all the tricks for an enjoyable swim on race day. Sign up to one now!

Take responsibility for your health

With this event we hope to encourage people to take up sport and adopt a healthy lifestyle; exercise and eat healthy. By entering this event you should be aware of your physical abilities and whether you are able to compete in this event without a health risk.

Please consult your doctor if you have a heart condition, have a family history of cardiac arrests, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, or any other condition that may keep you from participating.

Race Day Medical Emergencies

If you witness any medical emergencies (of a race participant or spectator) during the MetaSprint Series race, please contact us.

Keep us informed

If you have a medical condition that may affect you during the race, please inform the medical team so they can watch out for you. If you have an allergy or a condition which requires special medication, please bring it along. You can leave it with the medical team during the race if necessary.

Are you ready?

Please answer the questions of the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire before you take part in this event.

© 2025 MetaSprint Series All rights reserved.

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